GBS2024 will feature 24 workshops, providing a platform for in-depth discussions and knowledge exchange on key bioeconomy topics. The workshops will take place during three breakout sessions over two days, allowing participants to engage with experts, share insights, and explore new ideas:
Workshops are organised around three thematic tracks, addressing the critical areas driving the future of the global bioeconomy:
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Ms. Marilique Nijmeijer
Name of Organiser: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)/ IACGB Youth Champions
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Dr Christian Theel
Name of Organiser: University of Greifswald
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Dr Martin Greimel
Name of Organiser: European Bioeconomy University Alliance (EBU)
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Dr Siyavuya Bulani
Name of Organiser: Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Prof Bernhard Van Lengerich
Name of Organiser: Seeding The Future van Lengerich Foundation
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Ms. Celestina Brenes Porras
Name of Organiser: Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Ms. Fiona Napier, Mr. Jukka Kantola
Name of Organiser: World Bioeconomy Forum / NatureFinance / Ecosystems Finance
Track Name: Shaping the Global, Regional and Local Bioeconomy
Lead Person: Mr. Andrew Julius Bende
Name of Organiser: BioInnovation Institute Foundation (BII)
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Dr Raymond Kelly
Name of Organiser: International Bioeconomy Forum/ ICT-AGRI ERA-NET
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Dr Markus Wolperdinger
Name of Organiser: Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Dr Mary Njenga
Name of Organiser: Centre for International Forestry Research-World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Dr Julius Ecuru
Name of Organiser: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) & University of Bonn
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Prof Reinhard Huettl
Name of Organiser: Eco-Environment Innovation/ Art and Nature Foundation Nantesbuch
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Ms. Ugne Dirdaite
Name of Organiser: EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Mr. Marco Rupp
Name of Organiser: Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC)
Track Name: Shaping the global, regional and local bioeconomy
Lead Person: Mr Sven Walter
Name of Organiser: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Mr. Johann Liebeton
Name of Organiser: IACGB Bioeconomy Youth Champions
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Dr Sunday Ekesi
Name of Organiser: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Dr Adrian G. Rodriguez
Name of Organiser: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC)
Track Name: Advancing knowledge and innovation
Lead Person: Prof Lene Lange
Name of Organiser: LL-BioEconomy, Research & Advisory
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Dr Leanne Seeliger
Name of Organiser: DIVAGRI Project (funded by EU)
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Mr. Johannes Weber
Name of Organiser: International Bioeconomy Forum (IBF) Working Group on Forestry
Track Name: Driving Industry and Markets
Lead Person: Mr. Yitatek Kelemu Yitbarek
Name of Organiser: The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB)
Track Name: Shaping the global, regional and local bioeconomy
Lead Person: Dr Heike Slusarczyk
Name of Organiser: Forschungszentrum Juelich