+      1. How many speakers can be included in workshops?

The number of speakers for each workshop is determined by the lead organisers and depends on the chosen format. Please keep in mind that workshops are limited to 90 minutes, and we encourage interactive engagement with the audience. It is recommended that speakers represent diverse regions, organisations, and ensure gender balance.

This year, the Summit is focused exclusively on in-person engagement. As such, virtual presentations by speakers will not be accommodated.

Live streaming will be primarily available for plenary sessions. However, we offer the option for up to six (6) workshops to be live-streamed, subject to a fee. This option significantly increases outreach. If you are interested in live-streaming your workshop, please contact gbs2024@icipe.org.

Yes, all delegates, including those with active roles in workshops, are required to cover their own travel expenses and register for the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2024. Registration is not automatic for workshop participants. Workshop organisers interested in sponsoring participants may reach out to gbs2024@icipe.org.

Generally, delegates register individually. However, organisations wishing to register multiple participants may use the group registration option. In this case, a single invoice will be issued for all delegates under the group registration and must be paid by the person completing the group registration.

Workshops will be organised into 7 parallel sessions across 3 breakout sessions.

The workshops will be held during three breakout sessions, tentatively scheduled as follows:

  • Breakout session I: Day 1, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Breakout session II: Day 1, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Breakout session III: Day 2, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

The final assignment of workshops to these specific sessions will be confirmed and communicated soon.