Summit Speakers

Rose Mwebaza, Ph.D.

Director and Regional Representative, UNEP, Africa Office

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Ertharin Cousin

CEO and Managing Director, Food Systems for the Future

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Máximo Torero Cullen

Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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Nicoló Giacomuzzi-Moore

Executive Director, Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking

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Agnes Kalibata, Ph.D.

President, AGRA

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Christine Lang, Ph.D.

Co-Chair, IACGB

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Linda Davis, Ph.D.

Founder & CEO, Giraffe Bioenergy

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Pekka Pesonen

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland

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Peter A Minang, Ph.D.

Director for Africa, CIFOR-ICRAF

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Julius Ecuru, Ph.D.

Co-Chair, IACGB

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Abdou Tenkouano, Ph.D.

Director General & CEO, icipe (Nairobi, Kenya)

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Xian-En Zhang, Ph.D.

Dean, Faculty of Synthetic Biology, Shenzhen University of Advance Technology

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Sylvance Okeyo Okoth, Ph.D.

Executive Secretary (CEO), East African Science and Technology Commission

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Elspeth MacRae, Ph.D.

Co-Chair, IACGB

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Lily Eurwilaichitr, Ph.D.

Assistant Executive Director, National Energy Technology Center

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Peggy Oti-Boateng, Ph.D.

Executive Director, African Academy of Sciences

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Fortunate Muyambi

Deputy Executive Secretary, East African Science and Technology Commission

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Hailey Ciantar

EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador

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Daniel Ndima

Founding CEO, Capebio

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Mónica Trujillo

Research Fellow, SEI, Latin America

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Carina Pimenta

Secretary, National Secretary of Bioeconomy

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Måns Nilsson, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

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Warinthorn Songkasiri, Ph.D.

Research Group Director, BIOTEC, Thailand

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Francis Sullivan

Managing Director, Serre Solutions Limited

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Rachel Chikwamba, Ph.D.

Group Executive: Advanced Chemistry and Life Sciences, CSIR

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Joachim von Braun, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of Economic & Technological Change, University of Bonn

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Talash Huijbers

Founder & CEO, InsectiPro

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Ginette Karirekinyana

Karire Products, 100% Natural Promotor and Green Innovator

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Morten Enggaard Rasmussen

Executive Vice President, People and Culture, Novonesis

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Vikash Abraham

Chief Strategy Officer, Naandi Foundation & Urban Farms Co

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Anthony Nyong, Ph.D.

Director of Climate Change & Green Growth, African Development Bank

Claudia Mueller

Deputy Minister, German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Ambassador Caroline Vicini

Swedish Ambassador to Kenya

Manuel Otero

Director General, IICA

Hoesung Lee, Ph.D.

Former Chair, IPCC; President, Carbon Free Alliance

Stefania Abakerli, Ph.D.

Senior Climate Specialist, World Bank, Washington DC

Elisabeth Werner

Deputy Secretary-General, European Commission

Francis X Johnson

Senior Research Fellow and Climate Lead, SEI – Asia Centre

Delivering a Video Message

Michael Kellner

Member of the German Bundestag

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Margrethe Vestager

Executive Vice-President, European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age

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Franck Leroy

President, Grand-Est Region

Bettina Stark-Watzinger

Federal Minister, Education and Research Ministry, Germany

Julio Berdegué Sacristán, Ph.D.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mexico

Amb. André Corrêa do Lago

Secretary for Climate, Energy and Environment, Brazil